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Аеропорт Львів. Старий термінал, 1960 р.

Аеропорт Львів. Старий термінал, 1960 р.

Вул. Городоцька

Вул. Шевська

Пл. Івана Підкови

Пл. Ринок

Проспект Свободи

Проспект Шевченка

Проспект Шевченка

Проспект Шевченка

Вул. Я.Стецька

Пл. Соборна

Пл. Митна

Вул. С.Бандери. Львівська політехніка

Вул. С.Бандери

Вул. Городоцька, вул. Чернівецька, хоча може бути, що ця арка насправді стояла при вході в стрийський парк :)

Головний залізничний вокзал

Вул. Коперніка

Yeah, bullshit. Don't show pictures from German occupation that lasted about 4 years, show Polish Lwów, city that was blossoming before the war, and was a third largest Poland's town then.
ВідповістиВидалитиI do show photos from all periods of history, look at photos from first part. And, btw, Lviv was also Austrian city from 1772 till 1923, and great part of city architecture was developed at that time.
ВидалитиAmazing, thanks to share, please keep going!
ВідповістиВидалитиGood work Nickolay, but BTW could You show some demographic data from Austrian period? How many citizens speaks German? My grand-grandfather was congressman to galician parliment in Lviv, speaks polish... we in Poland have Breslau, its nothing to shame for us that it was German city before. So i don't understand why you can notice Austrian period, but cant see polish (little longer)... Greets brother.
ВідповістиВидалитиThanks! I didn't collect any demographic data, I focused mainly on architecture and just some short facts of interest.
ВидалитиWhat do you mean, saying I can't see polish period? If you mean times before 1772 year - than it just have nothing to do with my project, because photography wasn't invented at that times, so there is no material for me to work with :)
wiki - one of many polish periods - Lviv after the rebirth of the Polish state in 1918, again in its borders as the capital of the region of Lviv of the Second Republic and one of the five major Polish cities, next to Warsaw, Krakow, Poznan and Vilnius. 1939-1945 - German and Soviet occupation of Lvov, complete expulsion of Poles from the city and incorporated into the Ukrainian SSR.:)
ВидалитиYes, I know that very well. The question was about polish period, that is longer then austrian - and it's obviously not the one in 20th century.
ВидалитиŚwietny pomysł. Bardzo udane zdjęcia. Gratuluje.
ВідповістиВидалитиTwo wonderful things:
ВідповістиВидалитиFirst. The idea and implementation, photos and reality.
Second. Lwów, that survived World War II.
regards from Warsaw
Olá Nickolay
ВідповістиВидалитиParabéns, simplesmente arrebatador e fantástico.
Joaquim Malvar
The Arc de Triomphe was for sure located on the Horodotska. The prove is tall white building on the left in the photo, which is the Chernivtsi station. The building does not exist today, but it was located nearly on the same place where the suburban railway station is located now.
ВідповістиВидалитиBeautiful, thanks for sharing these cool images. Keep rocking with you efforts. Don't forget to check my website for unusual Gifts for men. Thanks
ВідповістиВидалитиBellissime foto e fantastico blog :)